Monday, January 21, 2008


OHH its sad its our last blog, I relly enjoyed having this assigment. !!!!! I think my topic, Eating Disorders was one of the best topics, this is because its one of the problems i think is more common thruogh out the world. I also liked this topic because it kind of relates to me and some friends and writing about it was a good chance for me and my friends to learn from. Every time I wrote a blog I would learn something new and interesting.One thing I learned from Eating Disorders that I thought was really interesting was being able to try and keep a high self-steem and no matter how fat or skinni I am always love my self.
Another thing I learned from my topic was, how Eating Disorders affect your body emotionally, physically and socially. Living with that problem its really hard because you feel you have two persons living iside you that tells you what to do. If I was to suffer from Eating Disorders or had friends suffering, I would tell them to look for help or tell them to help me up. I think Its good to look for help before its too late because Eating Disorders is not something not to worry about. I really think ive done a really good job on this project and i would recommend everyone to read all my blogs, it has good info and pictures. Also every one is welcomed to leave me a comment to tell me their opinion or what you guys thought about my profile!!!!! I think the best blog to look at would be the Essay one plus this one!!!jaja. I dont think i missed anything related to Eating Disorders so I think everything ive done so far is good.
I feel I did everything that was asked to do, so everything is complete. I really try to have every blog done on time and finished, give much details and always stayed on track. Yey good job for me!!!!!!!! I thought it was a great idea that we had to turn in a new blog every week it was better than turning one in everyday. Having time to look for information during the week was a good chance to have it done and have good info. For me the easiest thing of writing a blog everyday was researching my topic, I think was really interesting because I was able to see lots of pictures about my topic and was really shocking.. I dont think it was hard you just had to have every blog and comments on time and try to make it interesting so that others could read it. From this project ive learned so much that now I think everything is possible. Love ya all :) Thank you for taking the time to read my blogs!!!!!

Friday, January 11, 2008

~*~When Food Is The Enemy~*~

I read an article called "When Food Is The Enemy" by Shasta Gaughen. This article tells three different stories about girls that suffer weather from Bulimia or Anorexia. Each girl tells their story on why they become anorexics and give their opinions. The first girl is Brook, she developed her Anorexia by thinking she could only feel good about her self if she was thin. She wasn't fat, she was really thin but was afraid to gain weight. Brook always thought that if she did gain she would be ugly. She also thought that when her friends would tell her to fatten up they were just being jealous.
Elenne became anorexic since she was 12 years old she became because she was a chubby girl. She never liked being a chubby girl because the kids at school were cruel to her. loosing weight became an addicton for her. " I was afraid that i would become that chubby girl again if I ate regular meals. " I never allowed my self more than 900 calories a day." she explained. She tought her heart stopped beating sometimes for that reasons she end up going to the hospital by emergency. Shes in therapy and she is glad she weights 120! "When I look in the mirror and say, "Elonne you look fat,"i can say, "Stop it. your not fat." She says she thanks God to be alive.
Denise's story was a little more difficult that Elenne and Brook. Denise's obsession become when she would watch TV where all this women would purged themselves to keep their weight down. She was chubby too and wanted to be thin. Denise says, "I was chubby and always trying to be as thin as my mom, she wanted me to be thin too, she told me "Boys would like you more if you weren't so fat." Her mom then didn't have to tell her to loose weight, Denise was already brainwashed. Everything she would eat she would throw up. Then everything got from bad to worse every time she gets disappointed she eats and then throws up. She says,"I'm not stupid. I know about bulimia. I know that stomach acid has worn the enamel of my teeth and that I'm putting stress on my heart. Being Bulimic is like being a smoker: you know its not good for you, but you cant stop it." she is really afraid to tell her parents about her eating disorder so she only gets help from friends or the Internet.
I really thought these three stories were really good exaples because each one explains their own story and tells what they think and their opinion about it. for example I really liked the last story because it is incredible how Denise knows she has an eating disorder and its afraid to tell someone. she is really brave, I really think she should tell her parents so that they can help her out.
