Anorexia is a really dangerous sickness in teenagers. This problem is caused by a persons low self-steem which causes to reject food. A person with low self-steem fears to gain wheigt and tries to aboid eating and have a normal body wheigt. Anorexics will only see themselves as really fat eventhough they are not. Anorexics use vomiting, laxactive abuse, diuretic abuse, insulin abuse, and exessive exercise to avoid getting fat. Some anorexics know they are thin but still think some parts from their body can be fat. For an anorexic loosing wheigt is a success and can still think they are fat. Being anorexic can be fatal but u know there is always someone that will help u out!!!!!
I put this web site where you can look for more info on Anorexia. I think its a great web because it explains everything really detailed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also putted a video because its really amazing how much you can look at yourself in a mirror and still look fat when you are anorexic.

hola chapis your blog is looking good and es un tema mmien interesante cuz a lot a of people what some persons go throug con esta esfermedad............... Gooooooooooood Job
Hey shorty this is a very good blog love u mucho
Its a great job of what you did.
This is so true! i have looked and even researched on this before and i still find it really fascinating. jose
Yikes that video still gives me chills...it's such a sad, difficult problem.
Nice topic. I think it a big issue that most people find themselfs fighting against in their everyday lifes. Its great that you picked this topic out.
i did not know anorexia started because of low self esteem. I like the pictures that you have, they are very shocking.
It's crazy to think that a person would starve themselves to death willingly! Thats America for ya!
good job that is nice work;)
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