I did a survey on asking people what they knew or thought about eating disorders. Some students were actually really informed about what can happend to a person with eating disorders. There was also people who did not know much info about it. Some people were teachers and other were students who came out with really good answers.
Do you think parents cant prevent eating disorders??" I really think parents can prevent kids from getting eating disorders because they are the ones who are educating thier kids or teens and are responsible for what they eat. For example by eating healthy food or junk food."
[~Mrs. Sacca~]
What do you know about Eating Disorders??" I dont know much about eating disorders, all I can say is that girls who are anorexic see themselves as if they were fat but in real life they are super thin. I also think that its very horrible problem for some one to have"
[~Ana Casas~]
Does people with anorexia or Eating Disorders find out by themselves or other people that they have this problem??"They find out by other people because they dont realize its something bad what they are doing. Other people can tell someone has Anorexia or other Eating Disorder in the way thy look and how they dont eat also by seeing a person loose weigh easily."
[~Jose Zepeda~]
What do you know about Eating Disorders??"What i know about Eating Disorders its that it can be very bad and can kill you. Also that hair grows all over your body a lot and you get rally weak."
Who do you think suffers more of eating disorders, boys or girls and why?"From what i know girls suffer more, but i really think everyone suffers becasue it can happen to anyone."
[~Maria Briceno~]
What good nutrition guides do you need to follow to have a good nutrition after having Anorexia or any Eating Disorder?"I think people with Eating Disorders should eat really healthy, for example healthy food like chicken, vegetables, fruit and lots of water. Also people should eat good but not gorge your self."