Susan Spaeth Cherry wrote an article about how can parents prevent Eating disorders. She thinks that parents play an important part in preventing kids with eating disorders. This is because on how kids are being educated. One example would be always talk to children that it is normal for their wight to increase as their bodies grow. A great way for thier children to grow healthy would be having healthy food and snacks!!! If not being talked children will see it as getting fat everyday and its where an eating disorder will start. Cherry also thinks a great way to prevent eating disorders would be fostering high self-esteem in their children. It can be a great way that children will start liking their body and be healthy.
Opposing Viewpoints: Eating Disorders. Jennifer A. Hurley. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2001. From Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center.
Reality TV Encourages Young People to Develop Eating Disorders
AT Issue: Reality TV. Karen F. Balkin. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004. From Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center
that is true parents can help prevent eating disorders
crazy!! weird how unnoticeably little things like this kind of cause eating disorders
parents can help... i couldnt link to your article.... im sad :(
Parents can prevent them but once you are set that you wont eat cus u don't want to get fat than their really is not much you can do about it..
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