Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I chose this bar graph on who suffers more eating disorders among black women and white women. I found out that white women are more consentrated in loosing weight than black women. Black women dont take much interest in loosing weight because they have more positive self-steem.


Eating makes me feel I'm fat,
every time I eat something I want to throw up.
I look in the mirror I see another me.

A Person, a stranger, a monster,
a person full of confusion inside,
not being able to tell what I want.
A person that's fat in the inside,
skinny on the outside.

A person, a stranger, a monster,
a stranger I don't want to meet,
to scared to see my body die.
As days pass, i see the darkest come by,
that day my body cannot go on.

A person, a stranger, a monster,
I can hear the monster call me,
telling me your fat,
look at those big tights, at fatty chicks.
I try to ignore the monster, but it
follows me the whole time.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

When Healthy eating is bad for you..........

I found an article in Google reader and i though it was really interesting because its related to Eating Disorders but has something really different. These article talks about a healthy eating disorder that can affect you or take you to Anorexia or Bulimia. The disorder its called Othorexic, people who suffer from this type of disorder eat really healthy for example fruit, a few grains, and some steamed vegetables. These people become really careful with what they eat, this is because they think junk food is contaminating them. (This is a quote from the article){"The anorexic would be going in and counting calories, whereas the person who might have an orthorexic profile would be going in and checking for artificial ingredients and things they think may be potentially harmful," says Dr Alex Yellowlees, the medical director of the Priory hospital in Glasgow, which treats various kinds of addictions and behavioral disorders.} This Eating Disorder is reffered as the "Health Food Junkie" because people eat only healthy foods. I really thought these article good because its a new disorder that its starting and confuse a lot of people. Some people can be suffering with out even knowing it.

Ps. Every body should take a look at this article it gives really good info about Othorexic!!!!!! Spaz Spaz

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

*>>.: Survey :.<<*

I did a survey on asking people what they knew or thought about eating disorders. Some students were actually really informed about what can happend to a person with eating disorders. There was also people who did not know much info about it. Some people were teachers and other were students who came out with really good answers.

[~Ashley~] Do you think parents cant prevent eating disorders??
" I really think parents can prevent kids from getting eating disorders because they are the ones who are educating thier kids or teens and are responsible for what they eat. For example by eating healthy food or junk food."

[~Mrs. Sacca~] What do you know about Eating Disorders??
" I dont know much about eating disorders, all I can say is that girls who are anorexic see themselves as if they were fat but in real life they are super thin. I also think that its very horrible problem for some one to have"

[~Ana Casas~] Does people with anorexia or Eating Disorders find out by themselves or other people that they have this problem??
"They find out by other people because they dont realize its something bad what they are doing. Other people can tell someone has Anorexia or other Eating Disorder in the way thy look and how they dont eat also by seeing a person loose weigh easily."

[~Jose Zepeda~] What do you know about Eating Disorders??
"What i know about Eating Disorders its that it can be very bad and can kill you. Also that hair grows all over your body a lot and you get rally weak."

Who do you think suffers more of eating disorders, boys or girls and why?
"From what i know girls suffer more, but i really think everyone suffers becasue it can happen to anyone."

[~Maria Briceno~] What good nutrition guides do you need to follow to have a good nutrition after having Anorexia or any Eating Disorder?
"I think people with Eating Disorders should eat really healthy, for example healthy food like chicken, vegetables, fruit and lots of water. Also people should eat good but not gorge your self."


Sunday, November 18, 2007

*.:Eating Disorders vewpoints:.*

Parents Can Help Prevent Eating Disorders

Susan Spaeth Cherry wrote an article about how can parents prevent Eating disorders. She thinks that parents play an important part in preventing kids with eating disorders. This is because on how kids are being educated. One example would be always talk to children that it is normal for their wight to increase as their bodies grow. A great way for thier children to grow healthy would be having healthy food and snacks!!! If not being talked children will see it as getting fat everyday and its where an eating disorder will start. Cherry also thinks a great way to prevent eating disorders would be fostering high self-esteem in their children. It can be a great way that children will start liking their body and be healthy.


Opposing Viewpoints: Eating Disorders. Jennifer A. Hurley. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2001. From Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center.

Reality TV Encourages Young People to Develop Eating Disorders

Sid Kirchheimer wrote this article about children or teens getting eating disorders from TV. It shows that young girls watch the TV looking forward to become as beautiful as any model. Thier message is that only thin women are beautiful, which can encourage vulnerable teens to develop eating disorders. Parents should be aware on what their children are watching for them to have a better life. For example there is TV shows that consists in choosing the most beautiful model such as ABC's Are you Hot? and manny others. This lets teens want to become like models to which causes leting themselves starve and have eating disorders.


AT Issue: Reality TV. Karen F. Balkin. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004. From Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

~*~Eating Disorders Essay~*~

Eating disorders causes Physical, Emotional, and Social problems to your body. For example organs in your body get really messed up. Your body wont react the same and will start changing also your mentality. Emotional problems will then show and can take you through depression. One example would be isolation and difficulty concentrating on anything. Eating disorders not only affects you physically or emotionally but also socially too. This causes relationship problems with people or family. These are some of the things that will affect your body with anorexia or other eating disorders.
Anorexia affects your hole body Physically, from outside through inside your system. For example affects your brain and nerves, heart, hair, skin and hormones. It affects your brain and nerves by not being able to think right, the fearing of gaining weight and also being more moody and sad all times. Being anorexic your heart has low blood pressure and slow heart rate. Also hair gets thin and brittle. your skin gets really dry and fine hair grows all over your body, you also get cold easily and your skin turns yellow being anorexic. Another thing that affects your body will be hormones. It affects it by having trouble getting pregnant, periods stopping and if pregnant having higher risk of miscarriage. Your body changes totally and can be really hard to recuperate.
Eating Disorders messes up your self-esteem emotionally. Your only thinking you are fat and think the only way to loose weigh is dieting. You start telling your self you want to be thin and not eating will help you, but actually its killing you. This causes you to feel really depressed because you always feel isolation aether from friends or family. It affects you by not being able to concentrate on anything besides 0n how you look. You also start feeling emotional regression to a child like state. When you are in the emotional state it can take you through drugs and alcohol. Anorexics get really obsessed with weight that it affects their mind by only thinking if people are looking at them or in loosing weight. You also start feeling guilty for anything. For example when you are an anorexic you always avoid eating but you still get really hungry, you eat something and after you ate it you tell your self "oh that has many calories why did i ate it this is going to get me fat" then thats when you harm your self to vomit. Eating disorders really kills your body.
Eating disorders not only affects you Physically or emotionally, but socially too. Thats when you start feeling really lonely. You start feeling no one will ever want you because on how you look. It affects you because you feel your worth nothing and feel afraid no one will ever look at you. Socially and emotionally you start feeling sad and moody all times, thats when problems start with eather family or realitionships. Social problems can be really hard for anyone who suffers from any eating disorders because friends and family are the most important people in someones life.
Eventhough eating disorders is a big problem and it can take you to death it can be cured. People with eating disorders have a hard time accepting they are anorexics or bulimics, before starting a treatment they have to accept they have a problem. Recovery is not easy it can take about seven to ten or even more years. A recovery consists in treating a counselor or counselor. Not every person get treated other people will refuse to accept they have issues.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Personal Reflections

I've learned so many things from eating disorders, i think it really helps know about it because you know what can happen to your body and mind. Your not only being hurt by Anorexia or Bulimia physically but emotionally too. I understand that getting out of this situation its really hard but there is alway out there in the world that will help you and will understand you. For example your parents, I think they are the most important people that will give anybody who is going through this problem the best support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I learned that in any problem you have you are never alone there is people who really care and some times you don't realize that.
I love my topic i think its really interesting and helps you a lot as you live your life. I think its really important that you always have good self conscious of your body and self. It is a good idea that instead looking at your self in the mirror and say "oh I'm to fat" instead you feel proud of being you and say something good like "I'm really pretty or i rock!!!" Also don't get obsessed with food or on trying to loose weight. "Everybody will love you the way you are or look!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) :)"
I really want to know more about my topic and find new things, for example what have they discovered or found about eating disorders. I'm sure other people still want to know too. I want to learn more so when i have kids I can be able to tell my kids what bad thins can happen and the risks are.

Monday, October 22, 2007


My story is about this actriss called Anahi. She suffered from Anorexia few years ago. Her anorexia started when she was 15 also when her grand mother died. Anahi's grandmother was really important to her, it was like her mother. Anahi never accepted she was anorexic until she went to the hospital. She always though that she could control when to eat. Anahi end up weighing 37 k, really skinny. Her anorexic problem started because she was in depression with the absence of her gand mother. Anahi finally got help and got through it.

I chose this video because i really thought it was interesting. I remember watching Anahis TV novels and thought she was a great actress. Also she is a good example because she suffered a little bit of anorexic and bulimia. Anahi showed a lot of courage to fight against the problem, it was hard for her but with the help of psychologists and her parents recover.

Topic Research

When we went to the library to research our topic I found really interesting things about Anorexia. One of the things that i found and thought it was really interesting was that in the first Centuries the ancient Romans hated being fat so they had vomitorius where people who stuffed themselves with food could go throw up. Another fact that i found really weard was that Devout Christians would refuse food in oder to be close to God. Also women that would fat or comsume big amounts of food were considered to posses evil spirits. Isn't that creapy!!!!!!!!!! I also found that most women would use eating disorders to have a perfect body for example models. Last thing i found was that upper class women in the first centuries were the only ones to be anorexic, lower class women had to eat a lot in order to have more energy for work. Researchers think someday there will be a cure for this problem or at least be able to prevent from happening.

I found this information at The CQ Researcher Feb 10, 2006

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia is a really dangerous sickness in teenagers. This problem is caused by a persons low self-steem which causes to reject food. A person with low self-steem fears to gain wheigt and tries to aboid eating and have a normal body wheigt. Anorexics will only see themselves as really fat eventhough they are not. Anorexics use vomiting, laxactive abuse, diuretic abuse, insulin abuse, and exessive exercise to avoid getting fat. Some anorexics know they are thin but still think some parts from their body can be fat. For an anorexic loosing wheigt is a success and can still think they are fat. Being anorexic can be fatal but u know there is always someone that will help u out!!!!!


I put this web site where you can look for more info on Anorexia. I think its a great web because it explains everything really detailed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also putted a video because its really amazing how much you can look at yourself in a mirror and still look fat when you are anorexic.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Eating Disorders: it's when a person is having problems with food. These people don't eat like other normal people. These problems are usually more common in teenagers, especially women. Teenagers are more common with this problem because they think they are overweight and obsess in losing weight. People think that not eating and letting themselves starve is the solution to loose weight but really its only killing them. This problem is a really big problem all around the world. Many people get Anorexia or Bulimia from letting themselves starve to death. Teenagers get this problem because they think they are too overweight or because some feel really depressed or have many problems. I really think this issue is really important because there is many people outside that have really low self-esteem and do need help!!!