Thursday, November 29, 2007

When Healthy eating is bad for you..........

I found an article in Google reader and i though it was really interesting because its related to Eating Disorders but has something really different. These article talks about a healthy eating disorder that can affect you or take you to Anorexia or Bulimia. The disorder its called Othorexic, people who suffer from this type of disorder eat really healthy for example fruit, a few grains, and some steamed vegetables. These people become really careful with what they eat, this is because they think junk food is contaminating them. (This is a quote from the article){"The anorexic would be going in and counting calories, whereas the person who might have an orthorexic profile would be going in and checking for artificial ingredients and things they think may be potentially harmful," says Dr Alex Yellowlees, the medical director of the Priory hospital in Glasgow, which treats various kinds of addictions and behavioral disorders.} This Eating Disorder is reffered as the "Health Food Junkie" because people eat only healthy foods. I really thought these article good because its a new disorder that its starting and confuse a lot of people. Some people can be suffering with out even knowing it.

Ps. Every body should take a look at this article it gives really good info about Othorexic!!!!!! Spaz Spaz


Anonymous said...

Great article-- it's cool you found a whole new side to your topic!

giggles_magee said...

thats SOOOO crazy because I find myself doing this ALL THE TIME>>>>> i dont mean to but it really matter to me what Im putting in my body... there are so many gross chemicals and articicial things that i dont know what is in favorite things are "hot cheetos" i found out they contain nicotine!!!!.....
"DUH NO WONDER THEY ARE SO ADDICTING" i love them.... the article was wonderful... I learned something too