Monday, October 22, 2007

Topic Research

When we went to the library to research our topic I found really interesting things about Anorexia. One of the things that i found and thought it was really interesting was that in the first Centuries the ancient Romans hated being fat so they had vomitorius where people who stuffed themselves with food could go throw up. Another fact that i found really weard was that Devout Christians would refuse food in oder to be close to God. Also women that would fat or comsume big amounts of food were considered to posses evil spirits. Isn't that creapy!!!!!!!!!! I also found that most women would use eating disorders to have a perfect body for example models. Last thing i found was that upper class women in the first centuries were the only ones to be anorexic, lower class women had to eat a lot in order to have more energy for work. Researchers think someday there will be a cure for this problem or at least be able to prevent from happening.

I found this information at The CQ Researcher Feb 10, 2006

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very interesting info...I was especially intrigued about it only being upperclass women in the past-- in some ways that is the same now I think...what do you think?